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22 Juta Kenderaan Keluar Ibu Kota Lebih Tinggi Berbanding Raya

## 2.2 Million Vehicles Exited the Capital, Higher Than Raya The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) has recorded 2.2 million vehicles exiting the capital between 28 April and 1 May, a figure higher than the number of vehicles that exited the city during the same period last year. PDRM Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department director Datuk Mat Kasim Karim said the number of vehicles exiting the capital was 14% higher compared to the 1.9 million vehicles recorded in 2022. "We have deployed 3,725 personnel to monitor the smooth flow of traffic and ensure the safety of road users during Ops Selamat 19 in conjunction with the Aidilfitri celebration," he said. Mat Kasim said the increase in the number of vehicles exiting the capital could be attributed to the long weekend and the return of interstate travel after two years of movement restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. "We urge all road users to be patient and to follow the traffic regulations to ensure a safe and smooth journey," he said. The number of vehicles exiting the capital is expected to increase further in the coming days as more people make their way back to their hometowns and villages to celebrate Aidilfitri. PDRM has advised road users to plan their journey in advance and to allow for additional travel time to avoid congestion.
